Instructions for local install of these notes
To install these notes, first set up the reaquired software [requirements]. Do not proceed unless you have set up all of these pieces of software. These are:
Then set up and test the notes in a [local install] following the intsructions below.
These instructions assume that you will run these commands in a bash
shell. You might need to modify in places for other shells such as zsh
for OS X. Make sure you asre aware of which shell you are using.
We assume you will setup the repository in your home directory (~
). If not, then replace ~
below by where you want to setup.
Local install of GEOG0111
1. Clone this repository and cd to the local directory
cd ~ && git clone
cd ~/geog0111
cd notebooks && tar xvzf data/cacheData.tar.Z
2. Download/update required Python packages
This may take minutes/tens of minutes, either (if you have `mamba installed):
mamba env create --force -n geog0111 -f environment.yml
or (if no mamba
. Warning: this is much slower)
conda env create --force -n geog0111 -f environment.yml
3. Set up anaconda.
In the Terminal (shell), type either, if using windows WSL or linux:
conda init
echo "conda activate geog0111" >> ~/.bashrc
Or if using OS X:
conda init
echo "conda activate geog0111" >> ~/.zshrc
Then, open a new shell (or type bash
) and type:
conda env list
This should now show:
# conda environments:
base /Users/plewis/anaconda3
geog0111 * /Users/plewis/anaconda3/envs/geog0111
4. Set up notebook kernel and extensions
Do this by running the following in shell (Terminal):
python -m ipykernel install --name=conda-env-geog0111-geog0111-py --display-name 'conda env:geog0111-geog0111' --user
5. Set up your NASA Earthdata login
Go to the site Make sure you know your Earthdata login and password for when you come across it in the notes.
6. Launch jupyter or jupyterlab server
jupyter notebook
This will respond with something like:
[I 06:58:25.120 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/plewis/Documents/GitHub/geog0111
[I 06:58:25.120 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.4.4 is running at:
[I 06:58:25.120 NotebookApp] http://The-Brain.local:8888/?token=146dbb8eb09948a20f219c69256926ca6ab62c4fae03d0c1
[I 06:58:25.120 NotebookApp] or
[I 06:58:25.120 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 06:58:25.164 NotebookApp]
To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
The main things for you that o see from this are:
A. How to stop the jupyter server:
Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
Use Control-C in the shell you started the server. You might try that now to familiarise yourself with it, and then restart jupyter notebook
B. The URL of the server (with the security token). In this case:
Launch a browser that points to that (your one, not te example here!!). That should take you to the Jupyter server homepage.
After this initial setup, just do:
cd ~/geog0111/notebooks
jupyter notebook
to get to this point.
8. Test
Now, test things:
- navigate to the coursenotes
- select the fist notebook
go through the notes and run the code in the cells
if that doesn't launch for any reason, try re-stopping and starting the server
- failing that, ask for help in the Monday class, or come along to office hours or the Thursday help sessions
One issue to look out for is if the notebook kernel doesn't start. That normally means that either you haven't set up the geog0111
environment properly, and/or you didn't setup the notebook kernel properly. Look back over sections 3. and 4. above.
You should test that your setup is robust.
- Try logging out and in again on your computer and launch jupyter again
9. Use of the notes and updates
There are some things to be aware of when using and updating the notes, so make sure to look over these instructions