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018 Python codes : Answers to exercises

Exercise 1

  • Create a Python file in your work folder based on the example above and call it work/
  • Modify the code to achieve the following:
    • make a function called myFirstCode that prints out a greeting message
    • update the document strings in the file as appropriate
# ANSWER : create the Python file with the code we want

# Instructions:
# Create a Python file in your work
# folder based on the example in geog0111/
# and call it `work/`
# Modify the code to achieve the following:
# make a function called myFirstCode that prints out a greeting message
# update the document strings in the file as appropriate

# code between the next line and the 
# End Of File (EOF) marker will be saved in 
# to the file work/
cat << EOF > work/
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 


  function to print a greeting

__author__    = "P Lewis"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020 P Lewis"
__license__   = "GPLv3"
__email__     = ""

def myFirstCode():
    '''function to print a greeting'''
    print('hello from me')

# example calling the function    
def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # execute only if run as a script

# Chmod 755 to make the file executable
chmod 755 work/
%run work/
hello from me

Last update: October 8, 2020